
The weather this past week has come with brutal temperatures.  So, each morning when I walk my dog I put on multiple layers and bundle up as much as possible.

When I was a kid, my mother always insisted on buying me a coat with a hood for additional protection from rain and snow.

When I was a teenager, I balked at her recommendations and chose some coats through the years that were stylish rather than functional.

But when I had my own children, I remembered mom’s advice and steered them toward coats with hoods.

So, as I walked during heavy snow yesterday, I had my hat on and popped my hood up for extra warmth.

As we trudged along through the blowing snow, I was reminded how God’s protection is like a hood.

In Psalm 91:4 we are told God will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

God covers us, protects us, and provides a home in which we can abide.

What does it mean to have God cover us?  It means we have God’s spiritual protection which provides for those who are in a relationship with Him and under His wings we have refuge.  A covering that protects us.

In Psalm 105:39 God spreads a cloud for a covering to protect His people from the rays of the sun. 

In Psalm 5:12 we are told; The Lord blesses the righteous, He surrounds them with his favor as with a shield.

Who are the righteous?  Every believer in Christ who lives by faith.  Habakkuk 2:4 says; Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

In John 12:44 Jesus said, “He who believes in me believes not in me but in Him who sent me and he who sees me, sees Him who sent me.

When I was a teenager there were posters with these words, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Many people had these, but many thought the truth was “their truth” whatever their belief was, to each his own.  People are still of this opinion today.

Your truth isn’t my truth folks say.

That’s true.  My truth isn’t your truth.  For instance, I’m 5’4” with brown hair, green eyes, that’s true about me, but not everyone looks like me.

But God’s truth is that He cannot lie for the truth is in Him, and we can take refuge and strong encouragement to hold firmly to the hope he has set before us.  Hebrews 6:18.

What is this hope?

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6.

Jesus didn’t come so we would believe in Him.  He came so we would believe in the Father who sent Him as atonement for our sins which separate us from the Father.

A belief that His act of sacrifice on the cross created a bridge by which we have access to the Father who covers us, protects us and holds us fast.

It’s not hard to believe Jesus existed.  He’s a historical figure and no one denies His existence.

What’s hard for many people is believing Jesus’ death was necessary for us to be reconciled with God.

That God sent His only son because He loved us so much and wants us to be with Him always.

God stands at the door and knocks.  If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart.

He chose you because He loves you.

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.  Revelation 3:20

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