Rocky Passing

I enjoy walking but having recently injured my knee I was looking for a more moderate walking trail.

So, my husband and I hopped in the car and headed to South Chagrin Reservation.  There were lots of walkers on the paved trail on the way into the park, but I prefer less traveled routes through the woods so we heading to a different location called Sulfur Springs.

Once we arrived, we viewed a small waterfall at the spring and began hiking the trail next to it.

I was surprised when not far down the trail we had to cross the spring.  There were some fairly small rocks that were slightly submerged, so I thought I’d head up into the woods to see if there was an alternate path.  There wasn’t.

Pensively I looked at the rocks to determine my best path.  I was midway across when I stepped on a rock that rocked.  I immediately moved from that rock to choose a different rock when some ladies approached from the opposite side.

I made it across so they could pass when one woman said to me,  “You just have to close your eyes and go.”  Her companion said, “Close your eyes!”  To which I replied, “Yeah, I’m not closing my eyes.” 

Everything was hunky dory for a while until we came to another section where we needed to cross the spring again.  My husband went right across but again I pensively looked a the rocks and took my time, only to again select a moving rock, and again I needed to change course.

We went on for quite a while this time enjoying the woods, the birds, the flowers, having a lovely walk until we had to climb up a ledge.  Climbing up is fine for me, going down on the way back would be a different story.

And then we again had to cross the spring a third time!

Really, I hadn’t expected this.

But this crossing was very secure as these were rather large stones that were strategically placed like a walkway, and they did not move!

After walking a bit more we decided to turn back.  So, yes, I would have to cross the spring 3 times on the walk back.

When I got to the first crossing, I followed my husband right across the sturdy stationary rocks but I did keep my eyes open.

At the second crossing I was less tentative but still managed to step on a rock that moved and then looked for a different option.  It was then my husband said, “Why do you always pick a rock that moves?”  “ I don’t know.”  I said.  “It’s not like I’m doing it deliberately.”

At the last crossing I again stepped on a rock that moved and made a change, this time getting myself further into the water area and my foot a bit wet in the process. My husband remarked, “Well, that wasn’t pretty.”  To which I responded, “But I made it across.” 

I love when I get a spiritual message and this day was no different.  God truly was asking me first, to trust him.  No, I wasn’t supposed to climb up into the woods looking for a different route at the first crossing, I was to go straight through and remain on course. this is a challenge for me because I often try to avoid things that are uncomfortable for me.

And the rocking rocks?  Why did I hit so many?  I don’t know.  Perhaps it was because I took too much time to decide what I was going to do. Perhaps if I had simply walked confidently across, I wouldn’t have even noticed the rocking rocks. Or perhaps it was a message that you will have rocky times in life when you may need to change course.

But the last set of rocks were a symbol of God’s security to me.  Just like those rocks, God does not waver.  He is a present strength and stronghold.  He does not move, he does not change course and we can rest secure in Him.

While I’ll always keep my eyes open I know that there will be times that my path may not be secure. There may be valleys to cross or hills to climb that test my endurance. And although the path I walk may not always look pretty, with God my destination is certain.

Be to me a rock of refuge, to which I may continually come; you have given the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress. Psalm 71:3